Hatchet II

USA, 2010  

Hold on to all of your pieces.


Directed by: Adam Green

Starring:  Danielle Harris, Tony Todd, Parry Shen, Tom Holland, R. A. Mihailoff, Kane Hodder, Alexis Peters, A. J. Bowen, Ed Ackerman, David Foy, John Carl Buechler, Colton Dunn, Erika Hamilton

Choice dialogue:  “No more of this Victor Crowley shit!” 

Slasher Trash with Panache?

Review: JA Kerswell

Adam Green takes the redneck ALIENS (1986) route with his belated follow-up to his 2006 slasher comedy hit. Continuing directly on from the events of the previous night, the survivor returns to the swamp with a rag-tag group of mercenaries to kill the ghostly monster Victor Crowley once and for all. It certainly has its moments; featuring a bloody avalanche of crowd-pleasing gore, but the wit of the first film is largely missing in the bloody melee. 
Marybeth (Danielle Harris replacing Amara Zaragoza) is the lone survivor of the swamp tour that ran afoul of Victor Crowley - the Bayou legend that ended up all too real. She escapes Crowley’s clutches and takes refuge in the house of a local man, Jack Cracker (played by director and sfx legend John Carl Buechler in just the first of the film’s stunt genre casting). Upon discovering who her father was (she had taken the tour to find him), Cracker kicks Maybeth out of his house; rightly fearing the wrath of the bayou’s boogeyman.
Marybeth returns to New Orleans, seeking out tour operator and voodoo practitioner Reverend Zombie (Tony Todd in a welcome return); she tells him that everyone else has been brutally murdered - although for some reason neglects to tell the police. When he finds out her last name, Zombie says that her father was one of the three kids who caused the fire that resulted in Victor Crowley’s death all those years ago. Marybeth makes clear that she still intends to go back and retrieve the bodies of her father and brother. Zombie gathers a group of local mercenaries and offers anyone who can bring back the head of Victor Crowley $5,000 as a bounty. He figures that chopping off his head will be the only way to put Crowley’s spirit to rest and finally stop the killing spree.
The group set off back into the swamp, but the unfriendly ghost is waiting for them double-sided hatchet in hand … 

2006’s HATCHET was a riotously entertaining splatterfest with its envelope-pushing gore and likeable characters. Green definitely got the memo with regards to sequels - go big or go home. The ALIENS comparisons are warranted and very probably intentional - albeit with a much smaller budget. The sequel has more action and more gore - but certainly less heart.

Reportedly, Harris had auditioned for the role of Marybeth during the casting of the first film. However, back then Green thought that as it already featured genre legends Tony Todd and Kane Hodder, using another genre star would be too distracting for the audience. He wholeheartedly jettisoned this concern to stock the sequel with cameos and extended roles of some very recognisable faces - everyone from Troma supremo Lloyd Kaufman to writer/director Tom Holland (of CHILD’S PLAY (1988) fame) and A.J. Bowan (the year before YOU’RE NEXT (2001)). Whilst this is certainly a confection box of fun for horror fans, it does sometimes risk feeling a little self-congratulatory and indulgent. 
With all the horror celebs needing their moment to shine in the sequel, it sometimes feels like Victor Crowley is a bit player in his own movie for its first half. That relative slow burn was warranted in HATCHET because the characters and the audience were on a journey together to discover if there was any truth to the legend. The humour in the first film, albeit pretty broad, felt organic. Here it feels a little forced and is amped up so much that it does mean that the film doesn’t really generate any sustained suspense until its closing 30 minutes.
Danielle Harris had previously worked around the peripheries of horror since her days as the child actress pursued by Michael Myers in HALLOWEEN 4: THE RETURN OF MICHAEL MYERS (1988) and HALLOWEEN 5: THE REVENGE OF MICHAEL MYERS (1989). Here she gets to play the lead and is pretty good in a difficult and unglamorous - if not particularly well-written - role. However, due to a physical tick, one of her eyebrows is raised higher than the other in a number of scenes so much so that it becomes distracting and it really is something that the director should have spotted and addressed for the actress’s sake. Harris replaced Amara Zaragoza, who played Marybeth in the first film. Green suggested some bad blood between them resulted in the switch. He told MTV news just before the sequel hit theatres: “The simple answer is that it wasn't gonna work out. I think she was taking some bad advice in handling herself in a bad way with us.” He added: “We had this whole storyline planned out and were going to start the movie on the same frame the other one ended on. We were like, "Do we change all of that because this pretty much unknown actress is being difficult right now?" So instead we thought "How do we go upwards and onwards and recast her with somebody the fans are going to be even more excited about?”" 

Female 8 / Male 4

  1. Male is disembowelled and strangled with own guts and decapitated
  2. Female dies from cancer (flashback)
  3. Female dies in childbirth (flashback)
  4. Male has his head chopped in half
  5. Male has his jaw ripped off
  6. Male has his face chopped off
  7. Male dies from machete wounds
  8. Male has a spike through mouth and out back of his head
  9. Male has his face bashed in with hatchet
  10. Male has face pushed into an outboard motor
  11. Male decapitated with a hatchet
  12. Female is hit between legs and chest with hatchet
  13. Male is sawn in half with chain saw from the groin
  14. Male is sawn in half with chain saw from the groin
  15. Male is hit in the back with hatchet and head sanded off with power-sander 
  16. Male has top of his head kicked off
  17. Male killed (method unseen)
  18. Male is chopped in half with a hatchet and is pulled inside out

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Trailer for HATCHET II 

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